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Birth experience Teun


My first delivery was not pleasant: it took a long time, not progressing dilation, pain and exhaustion. This eventually resulted in a hospital birth with an epidural and cut.
I hadn't imagined it that way at all, I thought it was terrible.
This experience made me very happy with the second pregnancy, but certainly NOT looking forward to the delivery…. Until I read about hypnobirthing.

I watched many videos of hypnobirthings on youtube and was pleasantly surprised to see that a delivery can actually go differently than I had experienced! This opened up perspectives and because I was already 34 weeks pregnant, I went looking for someone who could tell me the ins and outs of hypnobirthing.

Esther was willing to introduce me to the world of hypnobirthing on this short notice and I devoured the book and course folder as quickly as I could. I did a lot of visualization and breathing exercises in those last weeks and my fear of childbirth slowly gave way to an incredibly strong confidence in my own body.
We made a birth plan in case I might have to go to hospital, and discussed this plan with my midwife. This one only applauded the hypnobirthing idea and so paved the way for a smooth and calm birth.

In the end, I was able to experience a very nice, quiet and smooth delivery,
exactly as I wanted: it took about 5 hours, most of the time I lay quietly alone in bed with my music and visualisations. No unnecessary research was done, it went as I wanted, my body gave everything. Within a few hours I felt that the expulsion phase had started and with the help of the learned breathing Teun was born very peacefully.

I wish all mothers such a wonderful delivery. I wish such a calm and smooth birth for all babies.

To all mothers and fathers-to-be who believe that childbirth is a very painfully necessary evil: dive into the hypnobirthing! It is very rewarding.